
Capri, an island in the Gulf of Naples, is famous for its rugged landscape, luxury hotels and shopping, from designer fashion to limoncello and handmade leather sandals. One of its best-known natural sites is the Blue Grotto, a dark cavern where the sea glows electric blue from sunlight passing through an underwater cave. In summer, Capri's coastline, full of coves, attracts many yachts.


Stories, tips and guides

Exploring the Beauty of Amalfi and Positano

Exploring the Beauty of Amalfi and Positano: A Journey into…

Exploring Campania Through Tastes

Tour Culinari e Esperienze Indimenticabili La Campania, gioiello culinario d’Italia,…

The Charm of the Amalfi Coast and Trekking Opportunities

Positano: The Charm of the Amalfi Coast and Trekking Opportunities…

A Culinary Journey through the Campania Region

Sapore di Tradizione: Un Viaggio Culinario nella Regione Campana Nel…

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